
Qualification for the endurance competition is based on speed. Fast completion times only qualify if all reps are performed correctly; unclean reps will disqualify the attempt, regardless of speed.


When doing pull-ups, pull-up grip and shoulder position mustbe at shoulder position or slightly wider, must start with a hang below bar with arms fully extended and feet off the ground, with each repetition chin must raise above the wrist and the bar, arms must also lock out at full extension in the hang position for a single repetition to count. Legs must stay straight throughout the whole movement.

No swinging or kipping is allowed.


When doing push ups, hands and shoulders must remain in aneutral position with core engaged and both ankles together creating your plank position. The shoulders must clearly pass the elbows on the bottom part of the movement and arms must also lock out in full extension for a repetition to count. Opened legs is not allowed and will result in a failed repetition. Legs must stay straight throughout the whole movement.


When doing dips, using parallel bars the hands and shoulders should be in a neutral position with both ankles together. Shoulder must dip to at least 90° visible to the eye and arms must also lock out in full extension for a repetition to count. Hips must go below parallel bar on the way down for a repetition to count. Excessive bending in the hips will result in a failed repetition as the hips will not pass the parallel bar level on the way down. Legs must stay straight throughout out the whole movement.


When doing muscle ups, hand and shoulder must be at shoulder position or slightly wider. In the bar muscle-up, the athlete must begin with the arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Each repetition must have full extension with the arms at both top and bottom of the movement. Kipping muscle-up is not allowed (bent knees). Legs must stay straight throughout out the whole movement.


  • 5 muscle ups
  • 40 parallel dips
  • 4 muscle ups
  • 20 pull ups
  • 3 muscle ups
  • 50 push ups
  • 2 muscle ups
  • 10 pull ups
  • 1 muscle up

The athlete needs to follow the order which is given above. The athlete has an unlimited amount of breaks. No “unbroken sets” are required.

How to record

The whole body must be fully visible to the camera.

Make sure to not wear anything that could affect the visibility of the arm extension (full lock out),

Performing the routine shirtless is the best option for the repetitions and technique to be visible and count.

The video cannot be cut or edited.

No music can be added to the video, original sound is required.

Muscle up: at 160-180cm height from 45 degree angle.

Pull up: at 160-180cm height from 45 degree angle.

Dip: at 160-180cm height from 45 degree angle.

Push up: at 10-20cm height from 45 degree angle.

The battles can contain these exercises below, the full routine will be revealed in place: 

Muscle up [0-10kg plates]

Straight bar dip [0-10kg plates]

Parallel dip [0-20kg plates]

Pull up [0-20kg plates]

Push up [0-20kg vest]

Weighted vest squat [0-20kg vest]

Goblet squat [0-20kg vest + 16kg kettlebell]